Jacqueline Barker

Name​: Jacqueline Barker
Area​ ​covered​: Mid Argyll and Kintyre Scotland
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Please​ ​tell​ ​us​ ​a​ ​little​ ​about​ ​yourself,​ ​your​ ​business​ ​and​ ​your​ ​HCR​ ​journey:​

I have been working in the fitness industry since 2005 in many capacities; as a fitness instructor in the leisure industry, and in the community – this is where my passion is, reaching women where they are.

Over the years I’ve worked predominantly with women in fitness settings, and more recently adding women specific workshops. More and more I’m noticing many women with pelvic floor issues, a lot of which go unnoticed. It’s always thought of as the norm that after having children, or at a certain age, leaking is just something that you “have to put up with and got on with”. This saddens me, as it doesn’t have to be this way.

I have a passion inside of me to help women thrive, at all ages. I love when women are supporting other women and I knew a long ago this was where my passion lies.

On researching courses to get me there, I found a lot of the training I came across only covered the basics, and that more support and knowledge in the field of women’s health was required, especially pelvic health. Women are living longer, and sadly accepting second best when it comes to their own health, yet will strive for the best for our loved ones, oftentimes forgetting to make the time for our own nurturing.

After taking a couple of trainings with Burrell Education, when I came across Holistic Core Restore, I was delighted to discover a tried and tested method, that would give me the tools to enable me to bring this specialist training to my female clients to help each of them live a more fuller and healthier life.

Jacqueline Barker
Argyll, PA29 6ab
United Kingdom


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