Holistic Core Restore® Explained

What is Holistic Core Restore® and who is it for?


1.  The Holistic Core Restore® Programmes all have at their foundationsimple, modern, whole body, highly effective Core Strength and Pelvic Floor Fitness protocols suitable for virtually every woman at every life-phase.  The Programmes has Thomas Myer’s Myofascial Meridians (shown below) as their guiding principle when it comes to integrating the Core with the rest of the body – FROM NOSE TO TOES!

myofascial meridians

2.  All the Holistic Core Restore® programmes include  progressed, integrated strength or ‘down-training’/relaxation exercises where FUNCTIONAL, FASCIAL MOVEMENT IS COMBINED WITH TOTAL ‘CORE CONSCIOUSNESS’ & THE BREATH! You’ll be performing functional movements such as squats, lunges, pulling and pushing movements, rotating, bending over and balancing in all the movement programmes….but why?

Because YOUR PELVIC FLOOR & CORE RESTORE LOVES & NEEDS IT FOR TRUE FUNCTION and is stimulated most through SYNERGYISTIC MOVEMENT as opposed to ONLY PERFORMING static Kegels alone or doing sit-ups to flatten your tummy, strengthen your core, improve your back pain or prevent you leaking!  During these programmes,  we begin the work of reintroducing your Pelvic Floor and Abdominals to the rest of your body (because that’s the way they were designed to work) and to restore their natural function and strength.

3.  The Foundation ‘Every Woman’ Holistic Core Restore® Programme is a 60 minute ‘small group’ class or 1-1 sessions that has 4 key components:

  • ‘Release’ – a simply dynamic warm-up and mobilization that improves alignment and get’s the client centered and ready for the class.
  • The main workout consists of a series of progressed functional movements all designed to stimulate your Pelvic Floor as a part of first your CORE and then your whole body as was originally intended!  And we ALWAYS WORK WITH THE BREATH to really ‘supersize’ your connection.

    • ‘Downtrain’  – a relaxing and re-mobilizing end to the movement part of the session.
    • ‘Community/Education/Time-to-Talk’ – every session ends with 15 mins of space for the women attending the the programme to do what they love best, TALK AND HAVE COMMUNITY.  It’s an important time to feedback on their time since last attending and their progress with their ‘ Self-Care Log’.  Talking is powerful, women need to talk and we should never apologize for that.  Knowing you’re not alone in any situation build resilience and it’s what makes us who we are.  It builds sisterhood, community, relieves isolation and reduces stress. The ‘Time to Talk’ portion of the class is just as important as the actual exercises.
    • OR the Coach may choose to lead a simple Guided Meditation to soothe and de-stress the clients before they float off home 🙂
    • OR the Coach may include a talk on a key aspect of the programme such as nutrition and offer you wonderful food or juice samples to illustrate her point….I think people LOVE this part the most!

    4.  Your Coach is trained and able to adapt the foundation format of the full programme to specifically suit:

    • The Pregnant client – HCR ‘Bump’
    • The early or returning to exercise Post Natal client – HCR ‘4th Trimester’
    • The active Peri/Menopausal client (currently experiencing symptoms and changes)
    • The woman recovering after C-Section.
    • The woman needing support with Diastasis Recti.
    • The older, less active but still mobile woman – it’s never too late!
    • The athletic woman wanting to return to dynamic sport such as running and lifting weights – HCR ‘Heavy’ and HCR ‘Athletic 12’
    • The woman who has some degree of PF Dysfunction but still wants and needs to engage in Pelvic Floor Friendly Fat Loss Exercise – HCR ‘Heat’
    • The woman who is returning to movement after Hysterectomy or Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery or living with POP – HCR ‘Recovery’.

    5.  What else is involved?

    • Before beginning the programme, your instructor will provide you with our unique Core, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) and General Wellbeing Pre-Screening Questionnaire.  Your instructor will also check you for Rectus Diastasis and assessed you for optimal alignment using our Holistic Core Restore® Deep Screen – as how you stand, sit, lie and move all have a bearing on your Pelvic Health.  This will help you both get a clearer idea of where you currently are on your health journey, your unique needs and how the programme can be tweaked to suit your restoration.  If your Pre-Screening indicates that you really need clinical help as opposed to this ‘conservative programme’, don’t worry, your instructor is trained to help and support you in seeking referrals to a clinical specialist.  Our aim is most certainly not to take the place of the clinician but to help you as far as possible to get back to wellness and full function/strength.
    • You will also be asked to get some awesome ‘good stuff’ into your diet to support your healing and health via the unique recipes within our Holistic Core Restore® Nutrition programme and your instructor will give you clear instructions weekly on this and a few simple positive changes to incorporate into your diet and lifestyle that will improve your health and well-being and the recovery of your tissues on a cellular level.  Optimal nutrition and a learning to look after yourself are also a vital part of your progress in this programme.

food and diastasis pic

  • To really ensure that you progress, your instructor will ask you to complete your ‘Weekly Self-Care Log’ or a Food/Mood/Activity Diary which tracks both your workouts and your nutrition and you will need to bring your Weekly Self-Care Log to each session for review by the teacher and/or discussion in the ‘Time-to-Talk’ at the end of each session.




‘Time To Talk’ – For EVERY WOMEN, EVERY SESSION  –  Restoring the age-old oral tradition of women gathering to support and talk!

Want to know more about Holistic Core Restore® and find a Coach to work with?  FIND YOUR INSTRUCTOR  HERE



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