Welcome to my personal clinic page, where I’m excited to share with you the services I’ll be offering. I’ve dedicated my clinic to 4 specific areas of women’s wellness that I’m extremely passionate about, C-Section Recovery, Diastasis Healing, Hysterectomy Recovery and 1:1 Holistic Core Restore.

Hysterectomy Recovery And Return to Movement

Incorporating: Soft Tissue Therapy, Scar Rehab, Core Re-Connection/Rehab and Safe Return-To-Movement/Exercise Prescription
This appointment is for you’ve recently or even not so recently experienced a Hysterectomy, whether vaginal, abdominal or via key-hole surgery and you need help recovering DEEPLY. As well as recovering from the Hysterectomy surgery, you will probably now be navigating the hormonal and ‘movement confidence’ changes that most women experience at this time.
I’ve experienced first hand how Hysterectomy can change how you move, new hormonal fluctuations and also the challenges in returning to exercise and getting back to ‘normal’. Getting reconnected to your core your Pelvic Floor in check too will be extremely important to supporting the rest of your pelvic organs and learning how manage pressure within your core, so why not take some time to go deeper and heal from the inside out with excellent guidance.
This appointment will focus on restoring your breathing to improve your TOTAL core function, massage and remedial massage will deal with any aches and pains and ‘stuck’ soft tissues that you might be experiencing post op. You’ll receive nutritional guidance to support hormonal balance and your post surgical recovery . You’ll receive a ‘bespoke’ return-to-movement programme to get you confident about moving again and returning to exercise and altogether this 90 minute appointment and the additional guidance and support post appointment, will provide you with sufficient time to ask questions, understand the value of deep self-care and the ongoing support required in this part of your life journey.

Holistic Diastasis Recti Healing, Core Rehab and Healing Movement/Exercise Prescription

Incorporating: Soft Tissue Therapy, Diastasis and TOTAL Core-Rehab and Safe Return-To-Movement/Exercise Prescription
This appointment is for you if you’ve had a baby and your tummy just doesn’t feel, work or look like it did before and you know or suspect you have a gap in the midline of your abdominals called Diastasis Recti. You may also be experiencing back pain and changes to your continence too. Read more about the programme Jenny created and the success stories for so many moms who had given up hope.
This appointment will focus on restoring your breathing to improve your TOTAL core function, ESSENTIAL massage to assist your abdominal muscles and soft tissues return to an optimal position. You’ll receive nutritional guidance to support your post birth and Diastasis recovery . You’ll receive a ‘bespoke return-to-movement’ programme to get you confident about moving again and returning to exercise and altogether, this appointment will provide you with sufficient time to ask questions, understand the value of deep self-care and feel truly supported in this part of your life journey.

Holistic C-Section Recovery, Core Rehab and Healing Movement/Exercise Prescription

Incorporating: Soft Tissue Therapy, Diastasis and TOTAL Core-Rehab and Safe Return-To-Movement/Exercise Prescription
This appointment is for you if you birthed via C-Section either recently or some time ago and you feel that your scar is restricting your movement or aggravated every time you exercise or exert yourself physically. This is also for you if you feel disconnected to your tummy and Pelvic Floor after birthing and really want to re-establish that deep connection, function and return to exercise safely. And even tho you birthed via C-Section, you also need information about your Pelvic Floor and your tummy and how to return safely to moving again and exercise.

Hysterectomy Recovery And Return to Movement

Incorporating: Soft Tissue Therapy, Scar Rehab, Core Re-Connection/Rehab and Safe Return-To-Movement/Exercise Prescription
This appointment is for you’ve recently or even not so recently experienced a Hysterectomy, whether vaginal, abdominal or via key-hole surgery and you need help recovering DEEPLY. As well as recovering from the Hysterectomy surgery, you will probably now be navigating the hormonal and ‘movement confidence’ changes that most women experience at this time.
I’ve experienced first hand how Hysterectomy can change how you move, new hormonal fluctuations and also the challenges in returning to exercise and getting back to ‘normal’. Getting reconnected to your core your Pelvic Floor in check too will be extremely important to supporting the rest of your pelvic organs and learning how manage pressure within your core, so why not take some time to go deeper and heal from the inside out with excellent guidance.
This appointment will focus on restoring your breathing to improve your TOTAL core function, massage and remedial massage will deal with any aches and pains and ‘stuck’ soft tissues that you might be experiencing post op. You’ll receive nutritional guidance to support hormonal balance and your post surgical recovery . You’ll receive a ‘bespoke’ return-to-movement programme to get you confident about moving again and returning to exercise and altogether this 90 minute appointment and the additional guidance and support post appointment, will provide you with sufficient time to ask questions, understand the value of deep self-care and the ongoing support required in this part of your life journey.

Holistic Core Restore® Pelvic Floor and Core Rehab and Fitness 1-1

Incorporating: Soft Tissue Therapy, TOTAL Core-Rehab and Safe Return-To-Movement/Exercise Prescription
This appointment is for you if your life is dominated by avoiding running, you pray you don’t pee when you sneeze and cough, you avoid skipping, star-jumps and trampolines at all costs, you know where every public loo is in your locality is….I could go on but I think you know what I mean. Since 2013, the Holistic Core Restore® Every Woman programme has helped 1000’s of women regain control of their continence, core strength and health and overall wellbeing – read what 1000’s of women say about this ground-breaking programme that you can experience with me, the programme creator, 1-1. This programme is also for you if you’ve had clinical attention and been advised by your Gynaecologist, Physiotherapist or GP to ‘strengthen your Core or Pelvic Floor’ but have no idea where to start. Read more about Jenny’s Pelvic Health journey here.

All Initial Appointments
90 Mins – £197
All Follow-Up Appointments (In Person or Via Skype/Zoom) 60 Mins – £147
Supported Follow-Up Online 12 Week Core Rehab/Movement Programme

The above appointments are the limit of my offerings at present, so if the above issues are the reason for your enquiry, your first step in booking an appointment requires you to complete my on-line Pre-Screening Questionnaire which you simply complete and press the SUBMIT button to return to me. Working this way helps to save masses of time because I’ll truly be able to tell whether the above services will be a good match for you or whether you may need a referral to another practice or professional. Please use the CONTACT BUTTONS on this page to get in touch and receive the Sreening Form Link.
I’ll be in touch once I’ve gone through your screening form and when we’re agreed that an appointment is the way forward, you’ll be given the link to book and pay for your appointment online via PayPal, Credit or Debit Card. No cash, card or cheque payments are taken at appointments.

There is an educational element to every session where I help you to better understand your body and the immense role you will also need to play in your own recovery supported by my soft-tissue therapy, nutrition and movement prescription (as appropriate).
So, in every session you’ll learn key information, enjoy some massage/soft tissue therapy and move your body. My ultimate aim is to get you back to feeling amazing in your own skin, enjoying life and moving with strength and control and without pain or any sense of restriction.
ALL clients will be given a ‘prescription for movement’. All of the above issues involve MOVEMENT as part of the solution and I will provide you with all small items of exercise kit required at no extra cost and PERSONALIZED VIDEO DIRECTION of EXACTLY what you need to be doing when alone and when.

All of the above sessions will involve some kind of massage/soft-tissue therapy so be prepared to undress to your underwear. All of the above sessions will also involve me creating a rehab movement programme for also, so please bring comfortable, unrestricting clothes for this portion of your session. I always work in bare feet, so no need to bring trainers or any other footwear.

My work with you doesn’t end after you leave your appointment! Each client has BESPOKE HOMEWORK to enhance and support your appointment, you’ll also be able to check-in with Jenny via email at no extra cost to ensure that you’re happy with and clear about everything discussed and all clients will have access to the CLIENT SUPPORT FACEBOOK GROUP where the aim is to create a ‘female healing community’