Holistic Core Restore ® ‘Express’ takes EVERYTHING that is wonderful about our original Every Woman programme and adds the power of Whole Body Vibration to really help you deeply reconnect with your Core/Pelvic Floor and whole body exercise with incredible time efficiency and results.
Whole Body Vibration is also excellent for improving muscle mass without lifting ADDITIONAL weights and therefore improving your muscle mass and metabolism, helping you balance better, improve your bone health and your cardiovascular fitness. Overall, a brilliant addition to an already successful programme that busy women everywhere truly appreciate as part of their commitment to lifelong health and vitality.

- The hormone regulating benefits of movement incorporating Whole Body Vibration
- Applications for improving Bone Health – Mid Life to Post Menopause
- Applications for improving Core Strength, Co-ordination and Core Rehab
- Improving cardio-vascular health gains via a shorter workout window
- ‘Non-exhausting’ Mid-Life and Post Natal fat loss programmes for time/energy poor women
- Programming for low/lower impact High Intensity Interval Training using Whole Body Vibration
- Applications for improving mobility, flexibility and down-training the nervous system, perfect for ‘frazzled women’
- Building and maintaining muscle mass to improve Metabolic Rate WITHOUT exhausting workouts
- Harnessing the power of the foot to improve balance and foot proprioception and reduce the potential for ‘falls’
- ‘Foot-Fastness’ + Anti-Fall Drills that improve both cognition and proprioception incorporating Whole Body Vibration
- Female mental wellbeing and movement – the power of movement on mood and mind-state

Jenny Tutoring on the Women’s Wellness and Whole Body Vibration Certification

On application to join this offering, (FIND A COACH HERE), you’ll be asked to complete our HCR Red Flag Pre-Screen to decide if this programme is right for you. If you’re a great fit…..you’ll then begin the ‘take-on’ process with your Coach whether you are working LIVE (in-person) or virtually.
The length of the programme will be determined by your Coach but most will run a 6-8 week programme. Even when working in a small group, this offering is ALWAYS utterly bespoke and your Coach is taught to completely tailor their advice to your needs and ‘meet you EXACTLY where you are now’ by supporting this lifephase with real-world solutions and support over a time-frame that suits your needs.
Your Coach will provide you with a few items of simple exercise kit and your Holistic Core Restore® – Client Education Booklet and your Coach will support you to keep active away from your face-to-face sessions with easy-to-fit-in homework. Your Coach will also concierge an intimate community for all programme attendees so that you can have contact outside of sessions together and also build a community with the other women. Overall, you are very much ‘held’ and deeply supported throughout this exciting, invigorating and challenging programme that harnesses the very latest technology to get you fitter and feeling awesome in LESS TIME!


Simple, if you feel this programme is for you, use the FIND A COACH box to locate someone either in your locality or a Coach you can work with virtually using Skype or Zoom! All you’ll need for Virtual Coaching is a Computer, an internet connection and access to Skype or Zoom which are both FREE. Once connected with your Coach, they’ll take you through our unique screening process. It’s extensive and thorough but this ensures you get the help you deserve and need because we fully understand your health journey and what you hope to achieve.
Once you’ve been screened and it’s agreed that the programme is the right fit for you, you’ll enter the world of Holistic Core Restore whereby your Coach will take you through the ‘Express’ Programme which is a mix of Functional Exercise, Core and Pelvic Health Education, Strength Work, Cardiovasuclar Exercise and Relaxation Strategies all utilizing the power of Whole Body Vibration and normal floor-based exercises too.

What Women Say….