Name: Noelle Moyler
Company Name: Blueberries and Jellyfish
Area covered: Chichester
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Please tell us a little about yourself, your business and your HCR journey:
For over 20 years, I coached, managed and trained individuals in a global technology company. However, for the last few years, since having children, I was losing the passion I originally felt, for the job and industry. One area which strongly resonated with me was my struggle to recover physically and mentally after the birth of my first daughter in 2009. I discovered I had stress incontinence and was shocked to discover how little support there was and the limited knowledge and expertise exercise professionals had. Thankfully I did find help but it took over 3 years. This struggle stuck with me and was what inspired me to retrain as a Personal Trainer specialising in post-natal, pelvic floor and core recovery. During my training, I openly discussed pelvic floor health with friends and colleagues and was shocked to discover how common it was, yet not talked about and brushed away as ‘normal’. Providing support and sharing knowledge to women, to change not only this belief but also change their quality of life and getting them active again, is a core part of my business and so chosing to become a Holistic Core Restore ® Coach was the perfect addition. Having completed courses previously with Burrell Education, I love the holistic approach taken which provides women with the education and support through every phase of their lives. I am thrilled to be part of this superb Program and to support my clients even better.
West Sussex, PO10 8UZ
United Kingdom